Mushroom Breaky Bowl

Cook Time 20 minutes

Servings 2


4 free range eggs, poached 

1 tbsp ghee

200g button mushrooms and or flat mushrooms  

4 tbsp macadamia & coconut keto paleo granola

Handful of spinach 

1 tomato, cut into wedges

Salt and pepper


1 tbsp hommus

Juice ½ lemon

2 tbsp macadamia oil or olive oil


For the dressing mix everything together.

Heat ghee in a pan over a high heat. Sauté mushrooms and season with salt and pepper.

Boil some water in a pot and add vinegar. Stir the water to form a whirlpool and then carefully lower in the egg and poach to your liking. Drain on a paper towel.

To serve, place spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms in a bowl. Place the poached egg on top and drizzle with the dressing.

Top with granola and serve.


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